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Reasons Why Child Custody Orders May Need Modified

On Behalf of | May 13, 2018 | Child Custody |

If you have an existing child custody arrangement in place in St. Charles, you may find the need to modify the court order as the situation changes. Knowing when a change is warranted for parents, as it will ensure that your child receives the highest quality of care. VeryWellFamily.com explains some common reasons why child custody orders are modified, which can help you decide whether it’s necessary in your case.

The Visitation Schedule Is Ignored

When one parent has primary custody, a visitation schedule will be created for the non-custodial parent. If either parent interferes with visitation, the court may revisit the custody arrangement and make changes accordingly. For instance, if the custodial parent refuses to allow the non-custodial parent visitation on the days mandated, the court may choose to implement joint physical custody.

The Best Interests of the Child Are Overlooked

Any divorce decisions involving kids focus on the best interests of the child. Accordingly, if the current arrangement is at odds with the health and well-being of the child in question, the court will consider making changes to ensure safety and security remain a top priority. Some examples of this are when the custodial parent moves a great distance; because it can be traumatic for a child to be moved from his or her home and school, the court might consider altering custody to allow the child to remain in the current location.

Abuse or Neglect Are an Issue

Any instance of abuse or neglect involving a child will be taken very seriously by the court. Domestic violence in the home is a common reason for modifications in this case, as this creates a hazardous environment for a child to live in (even if they are not the direct victim of violence). The court will gather facts about the situation, while also speaking with the child about his or her experience.


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