For many parents, paying child support on time can be very difficult. Many people live from one paycheck to the next, and some have an extremely hard time staying current on what they owe. Unfortunately, this can become even more difficult (or even impossible) when an...
Child Support And Spousal Maintenance
Are there valid reasons for alimony today?
You may have already heard the differing opinions: Alimony is an outdated concept. Spousal support unfairly penalizes the ex-spouse who pays. Alimony is still necessary for the spouse who was a stay-at-home parent. Your own situation may directly influence your...
What should dads paying child support know?
If you’re a non-custodial parent in Missouri, you are probably making child support payments to your ex-spouse. This can be a frustrating process, especially if you disagree with the way the custodial parent is spending the money you provide. offers...
Why ‘winning’ a custody battle is not really a thing
Divorce creates noticeable problems for many families in Missouri as they work through the emotions of losing relationships and seeing changes in others. For many people, the pain of such a significant familial change takes its toll as people pick and choose sides and...
How the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act affects spousal support
If you are considering a divorce in Missouri, there are some changes this year regarding spousal support that may significantly change the outcome of your overall settlement. At , our team of experienced professionals understand how...
When should I ask for a child support modification?
Once you go to court and finalize your child support order in Missouri, you are not bound by this order forever. You always have the option to return to court for a modification. There are some limitations on requesting changes to your order. The Missouri Bar explains...
Understand the basics of spousal support
When you and your spouse divorce in Missouri, you may wonder if you will receive spousal support and if so, how much these payments might be. Sometimes alimony is not as straightforward as child support, though. At Turken and Porzenski, L.L.C., we understand that you...
Proving your ex is in a supportive relationship
As you are well aware of, marriage involves quite a bit of sacrifice by both parties involved. Your spouse may have sacrificed their career pursuits in St. Charles to stay home and run your household while you pursued yours. Knowing this, you may have little issue in...
Ways Missouri will retrieve owed child support payments
Your ex-spouse has stopped paying child support payments, and you wonder how you will sustain your child’s necessities with only your income. Your child’s non-custodial parent may even live in a state other than Missouri, so you worry that unless you take legal...
Can you go to jail for not paying child support?
It’s up to both parents to cover expenses for rearing a child, whether that involves purchase of school supplies or seeing to medical needs. That’s why non-custodial parents in Missouri must pay child support as ordered by the court. Failure to do so can...